
do not adjust your computer monitors...

For the first and probably last time I venture into the kitchen this year (yes I realize it's January) to cook dinner, I made the one and only Kraft Dinner. I was craving it, found a box in the cupboard, took a deep breath, and turned on the burner. I boiled water. I added noodles. And it turned out like this:

WTF?!? I realize I have no business being in a kitchen, have no use for the stove or food preparation in general, but hell - I can read directions! How does one turn KD orange? It tasted like ass too. Booooooo!!!!

Oh, I take no responsibility for the ugly plate. It's my roommate's. All of my nice stuff is being enjoyed by spiders and dust bunnies while it sits in storage waiting for me to do something with my life.

On the other hand, I was promoted at work! Woo hoo! Although unfortunately my raise is not high enough for me to hire a cook. *sigh*



At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned that's what TV Mac looks like. The milk and cheese addition at the end doesn't help in the looks or the taste. But if you add a little Salsa, or even just pepper to it the taste is greatly improved. Of course you could then add real cheese on top of the Mac and pickles or olives on the side then the entire thing is edible! Don't give up yet honey! Love Mom xo

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, dude, glad to see you using this again. And very weirdly, the same thing happened to a box of KD I made last week. I haven't had it in ages, thought what the hell, I am starving, and it was bright orange, sticky and very salty. Oliver ate the leftovers but he ain't so picky.


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