
it's my birthday and i'll blog if i want to...

to recognize my 29th birthday, i have launched a new website devoted to the coming of age and entering into the next decade. it's called 30 is the new black.

i have considered that most of my friends are turning 30 in 2007, have already been 30 several times now, or will be turning 30 eventually. we haven't done anything BIG to recognize this achievement so, in true tami fashion, i propose as follows:

  • a 30th birthday celebration to honour all of us: friends, family, acquaintances, and randoms who want to recognize their 30 birthday in a alcohol fueled, adventure filled event with drunk and debaucherous overtones.

  • put aside $25-$50 a paycheck starting in january (there's a new years resolution for you). you can get a 4 day, 3 night, 4 star strip hotel and air trip now from toronto for $450CDN a person.

  • to be held in las vegas, nevada in the second 1/2 of 2007. think about it. we could party in bars along side pantyless celebrities. how cool is THAT?

  • the website is expected to be a forum to discuss and plan this event so please check and contribute often.

    remember, it's not just for my 30th birthday, it's for ALL OF YOUR 30th birthdays too.

    so there you have it... my birthday wish. i'm going to go blow out the candles on my cake now, all 29 of them. get the fire extinguisher ready!


    At 10:59 AM, Blogger wherewiller said...

    You complain about not being organised enough to get people together to go out tonight and you've got this up your sleeve?! Well done. What if you have no income to put aside paycheque money?? I can't commit yet, what with childcare issues and such, but I hope it comes together.

    At 12:38 PM, Blogger tami said...

    okay, fuck that. no excuses. you have AT LEAST 8 months to come up with a child care plan. as for the finances, i don't think you are exactly in dire straights. regardless, trips to vegas are cheap and can be put on credit cards. done and done.

    At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm already wearing my cowboy hat.


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