
chloe, also known as...

  • the chloenator
  • the puffanator
  • pookie
  • the portly pack of puff
  • the killer puff ball
  • porkchop
  • porkie
  • furball
  • puffball
  • princess puff
  • wookie wookie
  • sweetie
  • puff
  • fatty
  • chunk chunks
  • bitchy bitchies

chloe après grooming, all bashful:

chloe, all "enough with the flash, now where's my biscuit biatch?":

at sarah's (the groomer), chloe completely ignores all commands. however, once the biscuits come out, the dog could be on fire and would not care. sarah: "wow, she's really food motivated, eh?" um yeah...

mom cut out my horoscope the other day. it's quite optimistic. wish i could be.

"It is far better to know that you don't know than to think you know when you don't. Give this notion a little thought. The lack of clarity in your life at this time is happening for a good reason. All will be revealed in the natural course of time."



At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetiepie, puff face just looks overtired to me from her long grooming session. She is just beautiful all the time. AND Grammie just loves her to bits!

.....the horoscope makes sense to me, but makes you read it twice, yes? Got a big kick out of you putting it in there honey.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger wherewiller said...

LOL you have more names for her than I have for Oliver. She's looking good though!


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