
got milk?

okay, so i've been making considerable efforts to drink more milk. i've always liked milk, i have it every day with cereal, etc. but as i approach 30, i've been making sure to increase my calcium intake with yogurt, cottage cheese, supplements, and of course, milk.

it's 11am so i head to the fridge to get my carton. quick look at the date - excellent, december 2006. open and gulp.

something nasty slids down my esophagus.

what the hell was that!?! i look into the carton, yellow liquid looks back. i throw the carton into the garbage with such force, that it dumps all over the place. i spit oh-so-lady-like several times into the garbage pail.

again, i pick up the carton and look at it. the offender:

nasty. my stomach does not deal well with egg. for the remainder of the day, i feel like i am constantly trying not to throw. mark, who thinks this is the funniest shit ever, says to me, "can't you just feel the placenta dangling off your tonsils?"


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God Tami! This may be a funny story to some, but when you have look alike cartons read labels! (you are allergic to eggs so don't store them near the milk!) I think the 11:00 p.m. had a lot to do with it. Glad you are ok dear!


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